Tuesday, August 14, 2007



Those who have good memory will remember that the posts of the May 2005 trip started in Sugnens, Switzerland, near Lake Leman. After a long journey, we came back to Lake Leman, but on the French side!


"EVIAN-LES-BAINS is located on the south bank of Lake Geneva, opposite Switzerland, has 7,500 inhabitants and is built in tiers at the edge of the lake. Evian is an international tourist resort, profiting from spectacular surroundings between lake and mountains"

"CITY HALL - The Villa Lumière dates from the end of the 19th century. Works began in 1885 and the villa was to become the residence of a rich owner, who however died in 1887 while the building was still unfinished. In 1890, it was bought by Antoine Lumière, a portraitist installed in Besancon and father of the inventors of the cinematograph (Louis and Auguste Lumière), to become its summer residence. Since 1927, the Villa Lumière hosts the city hall of Evian-les-Bains"

"EVIAN is also the birthplace of Natural Mineral Water known throughout the world. Bottled at the source, Evian comes from the Cachat Spring located on the Southern shore of Lake Leman. On the right hand side, the building of the Old Spa is now a Congress Centre"



"HOTEL RESTAURANT DU PORT - For half a century Yvoire played an important military role due to its strategic situation, on a point between the «small lake» and the «large», during the war between the Dauphiné and Savoy in the 14th century. Its role earned certain freedoms for its inhabitants in 1324. A later decline made it a village of farmers and fishermen, and now a tourist destination..."


"TOO LATE - The last cruise ship to Geneva is already gone..."


S-V-H said...

It's interesting to read about your travel so close to the Swiss border and I'm looking forward to read more about your impressions in Geneva. I never made it to Geneva, can you imagine that? Lausanne was my last destination, when I made a stage by KODAK, many years ago.
Thank you also for commenting on my blog!

Cuckoo said...

Lake Leman will always hold a special place in my memories as I have spent nearly 2 years in Geneva. But never on french side.

Nice info there, I kept drinking Evian but never knew about it. :)


Lalalalala said...

hello GMG,

hope life's for you. looked thro your tags, and wondered if there's still any place left on earth you havent visited. Maybe it's time to take out those million dollars and go for some space travel.

Next up, pics from Mars and the Moon! =)

Shionge said...

Cool GMG! Now whenever I hold that evian bottle in my hand I'll think of you introducing Lake Leman to us :D

freefalling said...

I would like to know please, what is in your shirt pocket?
Is it your passport?
Or is it a notebook that you write in, all the bits of information about the places you visit?

Marie said...

I have never been there. I dont know that region at all. It seems to be very beautiful but not so sunny as mine :-))

Are you traveling now?

CaBaCuRl said...

That part of the world is breathtakingly beautiful. I can imagine that it has always been popular with visitors?

Aditi said...

hmm my first thought when the post started was I wondered if this is the place evian was bottled because of the name...i guess it was
the pictures are great but the details u write are always what make it better

lv2scpbk said...

Wonderful photos and it looks like a great place to visit. The building in the 2nd photo looks nice with the details.

lyliane six said...

Il y a plus de 30 ans j'ai fait un court séjour au club Med d'Evian, séjour très reposant. Merci pour les commentaires sur mon blog concernant le café, j'en tiendrai compte début septembre, car je viens visiter Lisbonne et Porto. C'est mon année Portugaise!! (à Madère j'ai bu un excellent expresso tous les jours et très bon marché, par rapport à celui de Paris), La France est vraiment très belle, mais very, very expensive!!!!

Anonymous said...

WoW...once again some cool shots. The place is almost heavenly and very beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us!

• Eliane • said...

Hey, I've been to all those places. And as a good European, I buy Evian here in NYC. I take it as my civic duty to help the EU balance of commerce. But if there is some good ol' eau de Spa, I have to patronize and buy a big big one. ;)

Emilieee said...

Beautiful street scene. I love the design and structure of the buildings. It's totally different than those in Malaysia.

Lori said...

That looks like a lovely place. I agree with the person above who commented that there is no place you haven't visited! You are quite the traveler.

Nikon said...

Another nice series, it reminds me of when I was at Lecco & Como in Italy - we had the same cloudy sky!
Thanks for visiting Hemingway - I honestly don't know if there'll be a new post - I'm working on it but it's slowly fading out.

Steve Buser said...

Seems to me that it has everything to make a perfect vacation. Can't wait till I win the lottery. Can't be much longer now.

--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo

Dawning One said...

chanced across your blog and have now bookmarked it. thankyou for rekindling, with your photos, my memories of my last visit to Paris.
Gotta go again, soon

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

Oh i know the place form the mineral water bottle..it's one of the costliest I have ever drank!!!

lovely place just as you'd expect it :)

Lakshmi said...

Great post..thanks for the suggestion . I will definitely add to my itiniery

R said...

OH MAN! You travel and post pictures... incredible stuff. I loved reading. So you haven't been to India yet? Didn't find it in the tags..

Z said...

That is a beautiful, beautiful area and I haven't been there enough. One of the many things on my impossibly long list! Geneve is just three hours on the train from Villigen -- should go more often. Thanks for the reminder! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your visits and comments.
Actually, there are a few pictures of Geneva in posts under the same label on this blog; and a few more from 1975 on the Blogtrotter 70s & 80s. I’ve been there so many times for professional reasons that I didn’t care to take pictures. It was only in October 2006 that I took some more detailed views of Geneva. I’ll show when I get there…
It’s amazing that you never made it!

Two years in Geneva and never on the French side of the lake is also amazing... In Portugal there is a saying: «em casa de ferreiro espeto de pau». Literally; «blacksmith’s house, wooden skewer»; its equivalent in English is «The shoemaker’s children go barefoot»...

Hi Clarence,
Glad to have news from the hard workaholic young Singaporean in Shenzen, China! Don’t know whether is due to longitude or latitude, but you made a mistake: the EuroMillions prize went to Great Britain… Actually, an employee of a post office in Falkirk, Scotland, celebrates the biggest lottery win in UK history. Angela Kelly collected a EuroMillions check for 52 million Euro (equals 70 million US dollars and 35 million pounds sterling) one week ago! So no Mars pictures for the time being... ;)

I Shionge,
Thanks. At least I’m favouring water, which is healthy and doesn’t ruin any diet; exactly the opposite of your wonderful yummy recipes and posts showing magnificent pieces of excellent food... ;))

It’s true that, before it became highly fashion again, I used to carry a Moleskine notebook, but in this case, it’s just the passport...

You’re right: quite beautiful, but not as sunny as yours; except for that 2006 autumn that I’ll show in posts some day in the future.

Switzerland is the homeland of tourism!


The City Hall is quite nice. The building on the third picture, behind the blue flag, is the old Spa; quite hard to catch without a wide angle.

Ce n’est pas vrai que vous venez à Lisbonne le début septembre; c’est justement du 26/28 août au 9 septembre que j’essaierais de partir en vacances, si j’en ai la chance… Un club Med pourra être une option, en fait. Peut-être vous resterez encore quelques jours après cette date. On pourrait se rencontrer...
Pas de problème pour l’expresso à Lisbonne: un «f», un «e»!!

Drinking Evian is a sign of good taste, though tasteless; or exactly because it’s actually tasteless! I knew you would choose it! It also helps the trade balance, but that’s only ancillary...

It’s fortunate that there is so much diversity that we can profit from!

Don’t give that much credit to Clarence; he’s not a marketer, but he also exaggerates a lot! ;))

Sometimes the sun also shines in those places...
There is surely something you’ll find out about Papa that will make an interesting post.

Ask Angela Kelly; she knows the secret.

Dawning One,
Thanks. Paris is always a great party. No wonder you want to go back. If I could, I would do like Peter did some thirty years ago, and move there!

It’s truly expensive. I just received the supermarket home delivery: 1.5 litres of Evian = 0.99 Euro; 5 litres of regular mineral water = 0.89 Euro... But now there are some new waters, astonishingly expensive: Voss, Wattwiller...

I prefer beach and sea rather than mountains and lakes; but your right: it’s a beautiful combination.

You make a nice choice!

No need to mention; it’s a shame, but I’ve never been to India!

And the Swiss trains are great...

Anonymous said...

The island temple, like a frog prince on a lily pad.

Sigma said...

Hello! I am here after some considerable time ... just trying to come back into the flow :-)

Nice post. It is nice to read interesting facts about places in your posts. And nice pictures ... looks like a charming little town :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth,
Thanks. It seems your comment is dedicated to the Bali post however...

So glad to see you back. Thanks. I'll also try to catch up your blog this weekend after 15 days off...